Monthly Newsletter Fiddlers Grove Woodcarvers Lebanon, TN May 14, 2022
Meeting Conducted By: Jon Zeiller
Location: Town Hall, Fiddlers Grove
Number in Attendance: 6 Visitors: 0
Old Business:
Final discussions on the Neddy Jacobs and Granville events, both scheduled for May 28th, were held. The time and location for each of the events and the members who would be representing the club at the events were reviewed.
New Business:
Preliminary discussions on the Wilson County Fair were held with more formal and final discussions scheduled for June and July.
Show & Tell
Three members had carvings to show at the meeting. First, Butch had a cowboy caricature and a power-carved wolf mother and puppy.
Jon had a variety of comfort crosses and comfort birds that he carved.
Jon also displayed a couple of scroll-saw snowflakes that he made.